Keep Yourself Connected

We now provide you with 24/7 electronic access to:

Contact Patient Relations/Feedback

Request an appointment on-line

View and manage your medical records

Send secure e-mail to FRC staff

Make a payment on-line! No Sign-in Required! Click HERE!

Medical Records prior to April 8, 2013 are not available online.

* * For support, please call 703.788.8454 * *

Introducing Electronic Patient Statements

Fairfax Radiology Centers (FRC) has made an Earth-friendly commitment to use less paper. Patients will see this commitment in action with electronic, secured delivery of statements or E-Statements delivered via cell phone or email. Following secure, online identity verification, patients can view or print statements and pay any balance through the link provided. Thank you for choosing FRC for your imaging needs.

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Windows 7/8/10
Apple OS X "El Capitan" or newer